Unveiling the Epic New Edition of Warhammer 40,000 at Adepticon 2023: Get Ready for a Mind-Blowing Adventure

Unveiling the Epic New Edition of Warhammer 40,000 at Adepticon 2023: Get Ready for a Mind-Blowing Adventure

At Adepticon 2023, the latest version of Warhammer 40,000 has been revealed to the world, accompanied by an exciting new trailer that showcases the game’s exciting and immersive world. Warhammer 40,000 has a rich history, dating back to the late 1980s when it was first released by Games Workshop. Over the years, the game has …

Zombicide Teams Up With Iron Maiden

Zombicide Teams Up With Iron Maiden

Zombicide Teams Up With Iron Maiden to give EDDIE character packs for the classic zombie crawler board game. A grand total of 15 Eddies to use in several different games! Available to preorder from Backerkit. Watch out for the shipping / Taxes though!

Hasbro Dungeons and Dragons Cartoon Action Figures

Hasbro Dungeons and Dragons Cartoon Action Figures

Hasbro toys have announced a new range of Dungeons and Dragons Action figures based on the 1980s cartoon. These 6″ scale action figures join the Cartoon Classics line and feature packaging inspired by the art of the classic ’80s animated series Hopefully this is just the initial release as we NEED Eric! Diana, the Acrobat …

Yes I am drooling at ANOTHER Board Game and This Time it is HE-MAN related

Yes I am drooling at ANOTHER Board Game and This Time it is HE-MAN related

Masters of the Universe™ Battleground Is heading to a game store near you soon and I am quite keen to get my hands on it Masters of the Universe™: Battleground is a two-player fantasy skirmish game representing the war between the two powerful forces of Eternia: the Masters of the Universe™ and the EvilWarriors. During …

BEOWULF, The Handiwork Games 5e Setting Is Now Available

BEOWULF, The Handiwork Games 5e Setting Is Now Available

Beowulf: Age of Heroes. “Discover a fierce background of wild seas and savage monsters, of meadhalls and of heirloom swords that bear legendary names. Gain Followers, take Inspiration from unique Portents, and use our specially crafted tokens to guide your voyage along the Whale Road.” Download PDF Play the ‘Hero’ class, and choose from six …

3d Printable Deadzone Terrain.

3d Printable Deadzone Terrain.

I have made a few designs. For quick print to expand the basic Deadzone game. Undetailed basic 3″ cubes, and walkways. I am hoping to add detail and expand on the designs – may never happen. We will see. 3 side and roof 2 side and roof Long Walkway Ladder [woo3dviewer model_url=”//scifind.com-content/uploads/2020/04/3-side-and-roof.stl” material_url=”” canvas_width=”500″ canvas_height=”500″ …