Table top games, physical games with physical pieces, boards, cards, miniatures and dice.
Broadly we are looking at:
Miniature Games, war game and tabletop games like Warhammer, though there is more and more cross over with ‘board games’ like Blood Bowl and Zombicide that are miniature heavy.
Card Games, collectable card games like Magic The Gathering to fun play games like Fluxx.
Latest Game News
- Official LEGO Dungeons & Dragons – A First Look
- Unveiling the Epic New Edition of Warhammer 40,000 at Adepticon 2023: Get Ready for a Mind-Blowing Adventure
- NEW Hellboy RPG from Nightfall Games and Mantic Games
- Zombicide Teams Up With Iron Maiden
- Hasbro Dungeons and Dragons Cartoon Action Figures
- Total DUNE Tabletop Gaming
- The Future of Fantasy Wargaming is Not Who You Think!
- Yes I am drooling at ANOTHER Board Game and This Time it is HE-MAN related
- a|state second edition coming to Kickstarter
- BEOWULF, The Handiwork Games 5e Setting Is Now Available
Top Games Companies
Mantic Games
Mantic Games was started in 2008 by former Games Workshop Managing Director, Ronnie Renton with a range of high-fantasy miniatures that were compatible with other popular wargames, including Warhammer Fantasy Battles.
They are best known for their games:
Kings Of War (Fantasy Wargame)
Warpath (Sci-Fi Wargame)
Dungeon Saga (Fantasy Board Game)
The Walking Dead: All Out War (Miniatures Game)
Latest From Mantic Games
- NEW Hellboy RPG from Nightfall Games and Mantic Games
- 3d Printable Deadzone Terrain.
- The Walking Dead Here’s Negan Boardgame from Mantic Games
Games Workshop
Founded in 1975 by John Peake, Ian Livingstone, and Steve Jackson (not to be confused with U.S. game designer Steve Jackson), Games Workshop was originally a manufacturer of wooden boards for traditional games. It later became an importer of the U.S. role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons, and then a publisher of wargames and role-playing games in its own right, expanding from a bedroom mail-order company in the process.
They are best known for their games:
Warhammer Fantasy Battle (Fantasy Wargame)
Warhammer 40K (Sci-Fi Wargame)
Hero Quest (Fantasy Board Game)
Blood Bowl (Fantasy Football Game)
Necromunda (40K Skirmish Game)
And many more
Latest From Games Workshop
- The Future of Fantasy Wargaming is Not Who You Think!
- Warhammer 40K – Another Announcement – Necromunda is Back.
- Playing Blood Bowl – Local Tournament Game One.
Modiphius is the brainchild of gaming entrepreneur Chris Birch who founded the business in 2012 with his wife Rita before launching the successful Achtung! Cthulhu gaming universe via Kickstarter in early 2013.
Many RPGS including:
– Star Trek Adventures
– Achtung! Cthulhu
Achtung! Cthulhu Skirmish
Fallout Skirmish Game
Latest From Modiphius
Star Wars X Wing
star Wars Armarda
Rune Wars