Yes I am drooling at ANOTHER Board Game and This Time it is HE-MAN related


Masters of the Universe™ Battleground


Is heading to a game store near you soon and I am quite keen to get my hands on it

Masters of the Universe™: Battleground is a two-player fantasy skirmish game representing the war between the two powerful forces of Eternia: the Masters of the Universe™ and the EvilWarriors. During the game, each player controls characters from one of these forces and equips them with a variety of weapons and items. Then, each player attempts to claim objectives, complete side missions, and defeat the opposing force. With hundreds of characters and equipment combinations and an innovative activation system, each game of Masters of the Universe™: Battlegroundoffers a unique and exciting experience. Do you have what it takes to be the Master of the Universe?

Looking at the images the minis and terrain look lovely – but I do worry about the gameplay. Time will tell but gridded systems are old hat with skirmish games (with the possible exception of DEADZONE – but that takes it to another level.)

For your £75 you get terrain and 10 minis (He Man and 4 friends, Skeletor and 4 friends) a game board, a very slim rulebook and some cards and d6s.

It looks like Archon Studios are looking to make this a ‘system’ rather than a stand alone game, with 3 waves and a full new faction on the cards.

I would like to make this available through my store (EmpireGameStore)  but really need some preorders. (If you would like to preorder get in touch through the EGS Facebook Page


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Feeling REALLY old.

This is an update to this post which is 12 years old! If you are not feeling old now (and are a