Creators Content Program For Vampire The Masquerade.

Creators Content Program For Vampire The Masquerade.

White Wolf Entertainment, creator of the World of Darkness and Vampire: The Masquerade are partnering with DriveThurRPG to allow independent content creators to publish material set in the World of Darkness using the Storytellers Vault. For over a quarter century, fans of the World of Darkness have aspired to bring their own unique World of …

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare Skirmish Game FAQ and More Images!

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare Skirmish Game FAQ and More Images!

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare is a tabletop skirmish game based on the video game series. This will use 32mm miniatures (similar scale to Games Workshop Miniatures). We have previously covered the Fallout Skirmish Game Here (Note this is NOT the same game as the Fantasy Flight Fallout Boardgame) Q) Will both starter boxes include the same …