The Wicked Wizard of Oz Kickstarter by Jonathan Green


14079730_10154358637730140_5936691117517791780_nTHE WICKED WIZARD OF OZ is a brand new nightmarish gamebook – a multi-path book, very much in the style of Choose Your Own Adventure and Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks, in which you choose the course of the story – inspired by The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by L. Frank Baum, and the Dieselpunk aesthetic movement.

Want to be informed when this Kickstarter is live? sign up to our news letter below and we will send an announcement email when the kickstarter is live!

There are Early Bird Backer rewards, so we will post a newsletter as close to the launch as possible.



The Wicked Wizard of Oz Kickstarter Rewards

DOROTHY is your basic physical copy of The Wicked Wizard of Oz Kickstarter reward. It includes the eBook edition, exclusive digital wallpapers, free P&P inside the UK, and a set of four exclusive bookmarks! (And who doesn’t love bookmarks? And four will make sure that you can ‘save’ your progress as you work your way through the adventure.)

The Wicked Wizard of Oz Kickstarter - Dorothy Reward Level
The Wicked Wizard of Oz Kickstarter – Dorothy Reward Level
The Wicked Wizard of Oz Kickstarter - Scraps Reward Level
The Wicked Wizard of Oz Kickstarter – Scraps Reward Level

Other bonuses to be announced include:

The Wicked Wizard of Oz Colouring Book featuring the artwork of Mr Kev Crossley. Mr Crossley previously did the art for the Alice’s Nightmare in Wonderland Colouring Book.

There are some very special limited rewards, including the EMERALD CITY reward (early pre-release play-test copies of the book), the DOWN THE RABBIT-HOLE reward (where you can nab yourself a special edition copy of Alice’s Nightmare in Wonderland as well, if you missed out last year), and the CYCLONE reward (where you get to help name a character in the book).

Sign up to our email newsletter below and we will let you know as soon as this launches!

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