The second, groundbreaking release from Brooklyn based musician Chancius, ‘Bando’ is an indie/dream pop concept album with a sci-fi twist. Envisioned as an alternative rock opera, the album tells the story of Bando, a young man afflicted with a life-threatening disease. In an attempt to save himself, he volunteers for an untested procedure to meld his consciousness with cutting edge technology. As his story unfolds, the ramifications of blending humanity with machinery are brought to life in sound.
The bittersweet single and video off the album ‘A Piece of You Wherever I Go’ was named “Hidden Alt-Pop Gem of The Year” by I Sh*t while Pro said, “I was truly entranced by the idea of man meets machine and the ramifications that it would ultimately have. Chancius delves deep into the heart of the matter and brings forth a fantastic album that captures the curiosity and whimsy of the future that we are most assuredly headed towards.”
Catch up with the band at their website