Westworld TV Series Trailer HBO 2016


Is Westworld going to be the next Game Of Thrones?
Looking at this ‘mature’ trailer it is certainly a contender with its high concept scifi blended with aspects from the wild west, and HBO being in the driving seat!
Oh yes and its sexual content and violence!

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Westworld TV Series Logo HBO 2016
Westworld TV Series Logo HBO 2016
This 2016 TV version of Westworld originally reached the screen in the 1973 movie of the same name, written and directed by novelist Michael Crichton (he of Jurassic Park fame).

The original Westworld movie (buy from amazon here) was followed by a sequel Futureworld and then a TV series Beyond Westworld in 1980. Beyond Westworld ran for just 5 episodes.

The new HBO TV series is due to start late in 2016. You can see the trailer above.
The new TV series stars Anthony Hopkins, Ed Harris and Evan Rachel Wood.

Official TV Series Website

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