Friday has become SuperHero day. 8pm on Channel 4, sees episode 3 of Marvel’s Agents of Shield. Will it continue to live up to the rollicking pace of earlier episodes? Or have you already fallen by the way side. This household remains split, but I’m probably going to hold out for Scott Pilgrim vs The World (2010) on Film4 at 9pm, or The Chronicles of Riddick (2004) on ITV2 at 10pm
Saturday is rather light for Fantasy and Scifi – but does at least have The Adjustment Bureau (2011) at 9pm on Channel 4. Its the terrestrial premiere for this scifi thriller, which sees Matt Damon and Emily Blunt as politician and dancer, fighting to determine their own future directions against a shadowy state. Also featuring the divine Terrence Stamp, in a character role that leaves us wondering just who is on which side, and whether this is fantasy or scary reality. Its followed at 11pm by horror flick The Hole (2009).
Sunday makes up for saturday with a good selection of family fantasy fare. ITV2 has a run starting at 2.30pm with Richard E. Grant in The Little Vampire (2000), Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed (2004 – the live action version starring Sarah-Michelle Geller) at 4.25pm, and director Ang Lee’s The Hulk (2003) at 6.15pm.
These all wrap up in time for alien invasions in Skyline (2010) on Film4 at 9pm. Although my pick of the day goes to ITV at 10.20pm, and the terrestrial premiere of Senna (2010). Whilst not SF/F this documentary contains technical detail, new (to UK eyes) footage and contributions from Prosr, Stewart, Williams and Dennis; as it looks into the on track achievements of Aryton Senna and his untimely death in the 1994 San Marino GP.