Serial author and all round talented and creative bod, Steve Turnbull is possibly not the most recognised author, but with a high quality and high quantity output Steve’s Steambook fiction books are a great untapped repository of story telling brilliance.
Steve was born a cockney but after five years he was moved out from London to the suburbs where he grew up and he talks posh now. He’s been a voracious reader of science fiction and fantasy since his early years, but it was poet Laurie Lee’s autobiography “Cider with Rosie” (picked up because he was bored in Maths) that taught him the beauty of language and spurred him into becoming a writer, aged 15. He spent twenty years editing and writing for computer magazines while writing poetry on the side.
Nowadays he writes screenplays (TV and features), prose and computer programs.
You may remember the VOIDSHIPS Kickstarter a while back. This so should have been made and I blame you internet for not all pitching in your quid. This would have been a fantastic TV/Web series starring the beautiful Sophie Aldred (Ace from Doctor Who, though I don’t really need to tell you that, and if I do need to tell you that get off my website!).
Harry Takes Off
A great place to start with Steve’s work:
Two sisters. One ornithopter. The African Savannah. And one Army.
Harriet (Harry) Edgbaston and her sister Khuwelsa enjoy their life flitting around the grasslands of East Africa in the ornithopter her father bought for her.
But on a trip to see Lieutenant Schmidt of the German Army they become mixed up in what looks like becoming a major war. Escaping from captivity they msut try to warn their father in Zanzibar – but who will believe a couple of teenage girls?
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