UK Indie Horror Movie Days from Filming


. You may remember that back in May we brought you exclusive news on the production of a UK horror movie that is destined to storm the independent movie scene both here and in the USA well we now have more news.

Filming is due to start early November, cast and crew assembled, with a newer slicker draft of the script.

Previously called Hearteater Scifind has learnt the new title of this film – BUT we are not allowed to tell anyone! A formal announcement should be made on the Hearteater website which will remain the official movie site throughout its production

Also a preview trailer is now available for viewing in two versions – for BroadBand and Dial up users.

For more information please see ]]>

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Feeling REALLY old.

This is an update to this post which is 12 years old! If you are not feeling old now (and are a