
Let? get something straight from the start. TIMELINE isn? anything like as bad a movie as the press – both popular and genre – have tried to make out. I? not suggesting for a moment that it? anything like a really good film as it? clearly not; it? nothing more and nothing less than a fairly mundane, occasionally-competent science-fiction time-travel thriller and an amiable enough way of passing a couple of hours. The problem is that TIMELINE really should have been so much more?

Michael (JURASSIC PARK) Crichton? novel was my poolside companion over a couple of days holidaying in Rhodes a few years back. As I finished the final page I remember musing to myself that Crichton had written (another) fast-paced roller-coaster ride adventure novel which was practically a screenplay in prose form. It?l make a really good movie, I thought as I ordered another chees ]]>

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Feeling REALLY old.

This is an update to this post which is 12 years old! If you are not feeling old now (and are a