
Some ideas look good on paper. Some go on to look good on film too. THE LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN may have been a wonderfully-inventive comic book series (I wouldn’t know) but I still think it’s a damned stupid idea. Sadly it’s also translated into a damned stupid film, a real road accident of a movie; you know you shouldn’t keep watching but you have to in case something even more terrible happens.

Turn of the century England (last century, that is). You know the score. Foggy London streets, ‘Cor Blimey’ London coppers with whistles, huge lumbering machines trundling through the streets smashing into the Bank of England and making off with national treasures? It’s a terrible threat to national security! A masked superbaddy named the Phantom wants to trigger off a world war by destroying Venice (apparently). Only a gang of heroes recruited from the ]]>

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Feeling REALLY old.

This is an update to this post which is 12 years old! If you are not feeling old now (and are a