The Ideal Christmas Gift For Doctor Who Fan!


Doctor Who Awesomeness
Whostrology: A Time Traveller’s Almanac

by Michael M Gilroy-Sinclair

Illustrated by Deborah Taylor

Whostrology: an astrological system based upon the travels of a certain Time Lord. The mythic qualities of his tales of adventure form the basis for this book of daily readings that can help you shape your life and live in a truly Whovian way.

It has been said that the Doctor was born under the sign of the crossed computers. This could mean one of two things. It could be nothing more than a flippant remark to a passing local; or it could be a reference to the stars as seen from the Doctor’s home world. As any visible constellations are an arbitrary set of images fully dependant on the observer’s location in time and space as well as their cultural heritage, it can also be argued that some people have nothing better to do than make things up.

Whostrology is a book of daily readings, zodiac signs and explanations, and other Who-based astrological elements, designed to allow every Who fan to lead a life of peace and ordered calm.

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Feeling REALLY old.

This is an update to this post which is 12 years old! If you are not feeling old now (and are a