The Curse of Buckout Road follows a college class, whose project on the destruction of modern myth turns deadly when a trio of students discover that a series of horrific urban legends surrounding New York state’s famed Buckout Road may actually be true.
Featuring performances from Lethal Weapon’s Danny Glover, Henry Czerny (Ready or Not)& Dominique Provost-Chalkley (Wynonna Earp).
The Curse Of Buckout Road Review
As with many horror movies that come across my desk there is often a feeling of not knowing what I have gotten myself into. There are a huge number of stinkers out there, (Shed Of The Dead – I am looking at you, despite the promise in theme and cast).
With The Curse Of Buckout Road the biggest draw was not the fact that there are a few known and established actors (Danny Glover, Henry Czerny & Dominique Provost-Chalkley), but the fact that the monstrosity on the poster looked quite good.
Infact past that there was little in the way of expectation, but upon viewing the movie I was drawn in and engaged. Yes there are a few scares and blood, but the film goes beyond that with an actual story backing up the cast.
Danny Glover plays the granddad of the main protagonist, a priest that had lost his faith when he loses his daughter. People are going missing and turning up dead in the clearing at Buckout Road which is the focus of a local legend.
The story discussed above isn’t the most original, with a modern myth being based in truth, but the execution and addition of the hmuman touch with the characters while putting the story on screen means that this is a fairly rounded horror movie.
Performances are good, there is nothing bad about this movie, though there is nothing STUNNING either that can be found in these low budget horrors (yes I am looking at you Hell House LLC).
Definitely worth a watch if you come across it on your favourite digital streaming / download service.
The Curse Of Buckout Road Trailer
The Curse of Buckout Road comes to digital download from 28th October 2019