One of the biggest shames in Terminator history is that fact that the production of the first 3 movies was splintered over several distributors, thus the licence for the various movie’s DVDs are split over different companies. So it is rarely that we will see a complete movie boxed set – which would suit this move for such an important franchise to Blu Ray so well.
The Terminator – (also the Governator still) Arnold Schwarzenegger is back as the ultimate cyborg assassin for another explosive, action-packed ride in Terminator 3, but this time he?s taking on Skynet in High-Def! This global smash-hit blasts onto screens on Blu-ray Disc on May 25th ?2009, looking better than ever and including exclusive special features and interactive content. The Picture-in-Picture ?Terminator Vision? gives fans the chance to join Director Jonathan Mostow as he takes them on a Behind-the-Scenes tour of the movie, whilst the cinechat feature lets viewers interact with each other as they experience the enhanced visuals and sound that only Blu-ray can deliver!
A decade has passed since John Connor (Nick Stahl) helped prevent Judgment Day and save mankind from mass destruction. Now 22, Connor lives “off the grid” – no home, no credit cards, no cell phone and no job. No record of his existence. No way he can be traced by Skynet – the highly developed network of machines that once tried to kill him and wage war on humanity. Until… …out of the shadows of the future steps the T-X (Kristanna Loken), Skynet’s most sophisticated cyborg killing machine yet. Sent back through time to complete the job left unfinished by her predecessor, the T-1000, this machine is as relentless as her human guise is beautiful. Now Connor’s only hope for survival is The Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger), his mysterious former assassin. Together, they must triumph over the technologically superior T-X and forestall the looming threat of Judgment Day…or face the apocalypse and the fall of civilization as we know it.
Directed by Jonathan Mostowwith thescreenplay written by John Brancato (Terminator Salvation) and Michael Ferris (Terminator Salvation), Terminator 3 also stars Claire Danes (Stardust), Nick Stahl (Sin City) and Kristanna Loken (The L-Word) as the beautiful but deadly cyborg T-X.
All-New Exclusive Special Features
- Digitally Mastered Audio and Video
- ?Terminator Vision?: Picture-in-Picture feature which provides a unique user experience. Fans can join Director Jonathan Mostow and his Creative Team as they take them on a Behind-the-Scenes tour of the making of Terminator 3
- Cinechat: Viewers can experience the film whilst interacting with each other via this Blu-ray exclusive feature
- Blooper Reel: Terminal Flaws: Gag Reel
- Commentary: Director & Cast
- Commentary: Director Commentary
- Deleted Scenes: Sgt Candy Scene
- Featurette: Documentary
- Featurette: Dressed to Kill
- Featurette: Making of the Video Game
- Featurette: Storyboards
- Featurette: Toys in Action
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