Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – The Secret History of The Foot Clan.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - NOT FOR CHILDREN
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – NOT FOR CHILDREN
IDW continue on their releases, and topical is as topical does, this week its the turn of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, specifically issue 3 of The Secret History of The Foot Clan. (burnham/santolouco). In this arc we get April, lots of Ninjas and those turtles. Oh and the bad guy? The bad guy is a wolf with a tiny little problem in his genetics.

In flashback we see an ancient plot take place, with the protagonist surviving only to learn of the true nature of the betrayal. From his sister.

Cut back to the Modern Day where a similar set up involves April getting a professor out of a co-ed dorm past a similarly sized group of henchmen, the turtles turning up to break her loose right at the last minute. They get them all to The Van, where Splinter is waiting, and then drive off into the To Be Continued…

All as bloody and violent as I remember them being back in the days when they were but an Australian roleplaying game. Sadly the story itself is likewise and all but non-existent. I realise that this is always a problem when you are on issue three out of four; but no amount of blood and battles in the artwork, exciting as they are to look at, can enhance the story that is as slight as this. The issue comes with multiple variant covers, and has a mere 20 pages of story to the 32 over all, leaving me feeling quite short changed.

This comic is very definitely *not* one for the children.

More to explorer

Feeling REALLY old.

This is an update to this post which is 12 years old! If you are not feeling old now (and are a