T Shirt of The Week

Keep Calm And Don't Blink T Shirt. Doctor Who.

Inspired by the 10th Doctor episode BLINK that introduced the Weeping Angels, this T Shirt makes used of a tried and tested format.

Along with the slogan there is a TARDIS motif, and the shirt itself is a vivid TARDIS blue.

TruffleShuffle say:

This wicked Keep Calm Doctor Who tee features the phrase, Keep Calm and Don’t Blink. Very clever indeed, a great geek chic buy!

As ever this is a top quality shirt that yo can proudly wear. Congratulations
Truffleshuffle for another great and worthy win for T Shirt of the Week on Scifind.

If you would like to buy this shirt see
TruffleShuffles Product Page or check out their full range

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This is an update to this post which is 12 years old! If you are not feeling old now (and are a