. Filming has now started for the new series of Doctor Who!
Fortunatly for scifind and its readers one of our reviewers – Paul Mount – has been in Cardiff where they are filming the new series with Christopher Eccleston.
We have very little information at the momnet but what I can tell you is what our intrepid reporter saw:
It was quite interesting…part of a local semi-disued hospital was being set up as ‘Albion Hospital’ and there was a small tank or armoured vehicle in the concourse, loads of machine-gun soldiers and policemen and I watched a scene being filmed of a reporter doing a piece to camera about an alien body being brought out of the river and taken to the hospital and then a Military Police vehicle and an ambulance were driven in through the gates. Fascianting to watch as they did it again and again.
We hope to have more on this story (and hopefully some pictures in the next few days – weeks.. ]]>