Stuff I spotted in the Star Wars Rogue One Trailer


0:01. Green Band – Boring
0:07. That music, tingles!
0:11. Rebel base! They are always fixing stuff there.
0:16. GONK
0:21. R5:D4?
0:29. Mos Eisley?
0:29. Real stormtroopers! Getting their arses kicked!
0:31. KABLOOIE (Watch in slomo – you spin me right round baby.)
0:47 The Death Star gets Sky!
0:58 DECEMBER – but that is YEARS away.
1:00 Get to work guys (Gonk again)
1:05 Odd shaped storm trooper helmet in background
1:07 Forest Whitaker looking like a double hard bastard
1:09 Odd shaped helmet again.
1:10 aren’t you a little tall to be a Jawa?
1:12 You shouldn’t run on the tube station platform.
1:14 Is that Stormtrooper in the background having a piss on that wall?
1:14 Stormrooper armour is also ineffective against sticks!
1:16 More boom
1:17 I take it you don’t do your own laundry, your mum will kill you for making a mess of your cloak
1:18 VADER?
1:18, no :(
1:22 FLip.
1:23 AT-ATs!
1:29 TIE Fighter pilot?
1:41 No post title VADER, or Tarkin? Bad Disney!

Rogue One Of course they put Flicking AT-ATs in this movie. Metal Attack Cows RULE
Rogue One Of course they put Flicking AT-ATs in this movie. Metal Attack Cows RULE

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Feeling REALLY old.

This is an update to this post which is 12 years old! If you are not feeling old now (and are a