People are Just Mad. What do you think their answer to this important question was?


Iron Man Image from
Iron Man Image from
Earlier this year we ran a survey on another site I run PopCultureBox. Among other questions about buying habits, age ranges, magazines subscribed to we decided to put in one of the most important questions in geekdom.

Who would win in a fist fight between Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne?

A simple question with a very obvious answer. But the answer actually tells more about the nature of surveys and their influences.

The real answer is obvious. It is of course Bruce Wayne. Although Tony is physically fit he is not a patch on the Dark Knight and his martial arts training and fitness regime. If the question was who would win in a fight between Batman and Iron Man, Iron Man is the obvious answer as quite simply, cybernetics, rockets and repulsor rays beat a metal boomerang and a black cape.

The results from the survey. Out of a total of 283 respondents 148 pumped for Tony. That is over 52%. Quite simply this is stunning as I would expect any group of comic book fans to back up my own opinion on the subject.

My belief is that the survey results comedown to one factor, character popularity. After 3 Iron Man films and the huge Avengers, Tony is by far a much more popular character than The Dark Knight himself. Maybe it goes further. Maybe people are thinking Robert Downey Junior vs Christian Bale.

Despite the fact that the Batman portrait by Bale is actually an amazing piece of cinema, Marvel is beating DC in the comic book movies race hands down at the moment. Should the question have been asked at a different time the results might have been starkly different.

What are your thoughts on this?

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