Paranormal Activity Drinking Game


Paranormal Activity Drinking Game
Paranormal Activity Drinking Game Click Image for Game
Get ready for more sleepless nights, anxiety attacks and flash backs from the horror hit of 2009, Paranormal Activity, as the film hits shelves across the UK on DVD and Blu-ray this Monday (22nd March).

We are here to help and provide you with support as you prepare to bring the experience into the safety zone of your own home!

If the film scared you out of your mind and you are having problems sleeping we are pleased to provide you with our dedicated paranormal activity hotline to get you through this difficult time; just call: +44 (0) 208 820 4571* for soothing reassurance and calming techniques. (*Standard call rates will apply)

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This is an update to this post which is 12 years old! If you are not feeling old now (and are a