Nemesis the Warlock in Colour!


2000 AD Present - Nemesis the Warlock
2000AD are very proud to announce that we are to collect the extremely rare coloured Nemesis the Warlock stories from 2000 AD for the first time in September.

This special limited-edition hardback is the first ever collection of the Eagle Comics editions, with Kevin O’Neill (League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) colouring his original artwork. It will also include the very hard-to-find Nemesis Poster Prog strip, The Tomb of Torquemada.

Written by 2000 AD creator Pat Mills (Marshal Law) and also featuring artwork by Jesus Redondo (Star Trek: Voyager), the collection will be available in two editions – ‘Deviant’ and ‘Termight’ – with the latter only available through the online shop.

Insane, visceral, mind-blowingly imaginative, political, satirical, and unlike any comic before or since – Nemesis the Warlock is one of 2000 AD’s most successful and famous characters by two of its greatest creators. Black-and-white bestsellers for decades, this colour limited-edition collection of the original Nemesis stories is an absolute must for new and old fans alike.

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Feeling REALLY old.

This is an update to this post which is 12 years old! If you are not feeling old now (and are a