The Mutant Chronicles Siege of the Citadel Boardgame was first seen in the 1990s this new edition is bringing together an A-List design team (including Eric M Lang & Kevin Wilson) who are updating and balancing not only the rules, but also the new miniatures and tiles.
Originally published by Pressman Toys in the 1990s, the Siege of the Citadel boardgame was one of the first of its kind to offer features such as co-operative play, character development and the rotation of the Dark Legion player. Conceived by Sweden’s gaming powerhouse Target Games, Siege of the Citadel Boardgame had television advertising in the US and hundreds of gamers still own much loved copies across the world.

The game is set in the Mutant Chronicles universe, which now includes the DoomTrooper collectible card game, three boardgames, a SNES and Mega Drive games, Comic Book miniseries and graphic novel from Acclaim Comics, the massive Warzone miniatures game, the Mutant Chronicles 1st and 2nd Edition roleplaying games, a Hollywood movie, Fantasy Flight Games’ pre-painted miniature game plus – of course – the rebooted Warzone miniatures game and 3rd edition roleplaying game.
Phew, so the game has prestige.
So what about this new version I started with?
Well the updated game is now on Kickstarter (currently with a further 29 days to go).
You can find out more and back it here.
The new box contents look quite shiny.

40 miniatures tiles, dice and cards, with stretch goals to be announced.
This new version of the game is being produced by Modiphius Games who’s game licences include Star Trek, Thunderbirds, Conan and John Carter, so the game in in good hands.