Mano O Mano


Mano O Mano

Those of you who follow both myself and this esteemed publication, on our many platforms, will be aware of our passionate support for the independent, whether that be author, publishing house or film company. I am very privileged in my position of getting to meet some extraordinarily talented and passionate creators’ and our new friends at Hidden Shallows Productions fit in to that catergory very well.

There 2010 short film, Mano o Mano came across the desk at Detox towers this week and I was stimulated by an excellent tale.

James is a young man that due to being involved in a credit card scam has had to move away from his friends and family to a new area. He goes around to new friend Kens flat for a smoke of the illegal variety. Anyone who has read my personal blogs will be aware of the kind of lifestyle I used to lead “Back in the day” so the opening image of beer cans, ashtrays and marijuana brought back already disturbing memories.
Trading stories of trouble, after James had shared his modern day robin hood scam, Ken explained about a man who invaded his flat and committed multiple rape upon his wife, and how he took his retribution and ended up where he is now. A sudden violent moment leads into a bizarrely calm cup of tea scene. James however still nervous attempts to escape the flat, grabbed by Ken, you expect a violent assault, but are not psychologically ready for tickle fest that occurs. This is followed by an uncomfortable faux wrestling match. I say uncomfortable as the whole time your mind is poised, waiting for the anxious James to meet his grizzly end at the hands of Ken. But it doesn’t happen and escape is secured.

This was an altogether disturbing, very clever, piece of conscious fornication that left me drained of energy but extremely well entertained. Whilst talking to our new friends at there production offices, they explained that it was based on a true account of somebody’s and that a couple of weeks after this was based, the Ken character was arrested for the murder of a child in Watford, Hertfordshire. Upon hearing this the film takes on another level of disturbing.

James was portrayed very well by the excellent Samuel Griffiths and the character of Ken was played by Tristram Shackerley – Bennett. All I can say about Tristrams portrayal is that it is scarily convincing and I’m glad he is just a phenomenal actor, and not actually like that and loose on our streets.

See for more information on a film company that are going places.

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