High School Musical 3


Due to a number of unforseen circumstances I ended up seeing High School Musical 3 at the cinema yesterday.
Imagine it – a grown man paying full whack to see that film. It was for my daughters birthday by the way, I didn’t just go on a whim.

Not quite seeing the point of the film, a bit like Grease – with out the plot I suppose. Personall I don’t think I would normally ever pay to see a film at the cinema without guns, explosions, kung fu, zombies, vampires, space ships, time travel, swords, sourcery, ghosts, super heroes, being based on a comic book, or what seems to be a very good comedy. (I am sure this isn’t an exhaustive list – but you get the idea).

I would sum up the plot, but it is basically a leaving school people going their seperate ways teen movie, with lots of singing. Actually that pretty much sums up the plot.

Ok, the kids enjoyed it (I took a group of 6 and 7 year old girls) so I suppose that was the most important thing.

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Feeling REALLY old.

This is an update to this post which is 12 years old! If you are not feeling old now (and are a