The Shadow Over Innsmouth is the fourth in the continuing series of full cast 1930s style radio dramas? of an H P Lovecraft story from the Dark Adventure Radio Theatre. This is exclusively available to order with Shopscifi.co.uk
Dark Adventure Radio Theatre: The Shadow Over Innsmouth is much in the style of The (Orwellian) War of the Worlds adaptation. A with a huge cast of professional actors (bulked by audio contributions from a number of fans around the world doing deep one Croaks), exciting sound effects and thrilling original music by Troy Sterling Nies (composer for The Call of Cthulhu). Discover what fate has in store for you as you delve into this cherished tale of ichthyic horrors.
In addition to the full 77 minute radio drama on CD, there is a bundle of carefully made props relating to the story to enhance your listening experience:
? A clipping from the New York Evening Graphic describing the government raid on Innsmouth
? A genuine matchbook from Innsmouth’s historic Gilman House Hotel
? A souvenir postcard from the Newburyport Historical Society with a picture of their prized Innsmouth tiara. The illustration was created for HPLHS by noted fantasy artist Keith Thompson
? A hand-drawn map of Innsmouth on the wrapping paper of the First National grocery chain. And yes, it really is “scratch-n-sniff”. Ew.
All of this means that the CD case will almost literally be bursting at the seams. As with the other relasese you wil lhave to have a nice safe place to store these extras as with the previous 3 titles you will not be able to figure out how they all fitted.
RRP in the UK is 14.99 – currently only available at Shopscifi.co.uk. Please note they are awaitig stock so it might not ship to customers before Christmas