Abbadon announce the release of Double Dead by Chuck Wendig 10th November in the UK and 15th in US & Canada
What does a vampire eat during the zombie apocalypse?
Coburn has a problem ? he?s just woken up from a five year sleep to find that human civilisation has fallen in the face of the zombie apocalypse. He likes blood. They like brains. So, yeah ? problem.
And now he?s starving. So this vampire not only has to find human survivors but must become an unlikely shepherd with a shotgun. After all, a man has to look after his food supply…
A thrilling chase across a zombie-infested America ? but with a twist ? Double Dead is Chuck Wendig?s fantastically entertaining, blood-thirsty, brain-guzzling debut novel.
As part of Abaddon?s READ ANYTHING campaign, a free preview of chapter one of Double Dead is available for download! Check out the epub version, the Kindle version or the .pdf version now, for free!