Free Fantasy Novel: Wrath Of Kings by Eric Kelly


wok_banner-620x250A quick heads up, if you have a tablet, ipad or ereader (or even a boring old PC) you can downloa a Free Fantasy Novel: Wrath Of Kings by Eric Kelly quickly and easily using the following links.

Wrath Of Kings – ePub
Wrath Of Kings – Mobi
Wrath Of Kings – PDF

The Wrath of Kings novel is a tie in to the Wrath Of Kings miniatures war game, where players take command of the armies of one of the five kingdoms of Arikania! Scalable from 10 to 50 models per side, now you can vie for the throne of the Ancient King!

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Feeling REALLY old.

This is an update to this post which is 12 years old! If you are not feeling old now (and are a