Fighting Fantasy Update.


This week saw the 35th Anniversary releases of the Fighting Fantasy (FF) series of books. To celebrate this anniversary Publisher Scholastic have taken on the licence and not only re-published 5 classic Fighting Fantasy books they have also published the first new FF book from series co creator Ian Livingstone since Blood Of The Zombies 5 years ago.

For those who don’t know, The Fighting Fantasy series of books was launched in 1982 by the publication of The Warlock of Firetop Mountain, written by Games Workshop founders Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson. The books launched the ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ style game book, where the readers can make decisions for the main protagonist during the course of reading the book and influence the events and outcome.

The initial run of the books lasted from 1982 until 1995 with a massive 59 titles, a relaunch in 2002 saw another 30+ titles a mixture of new editions of classic books and completly new adventures.

So now with new publisher on board and new title The Port Of Peril now available to buy, we also have second volume of the Fighting Fantasy, You Are The Hero, successfully funded on Kicksarter what is next.

The Fill List of August 2017 35th Anniversary Fighting Fantasy releases from Scholastic

  • The Warlock of Firetop Mountain
  • City of Thieves
  • House of Hell
  • The Port of Peril
  • Forest of Doom

All available from AMAZON or your friendly local book shop.If you are lucky you may be able to pick up signed copies from Forbidden Planet.

Fighting Fantasy Fest 2

Well first there is Fighting Fantasy Fest 2 which is held in London on the 2nd February (full details and tickets)

Guests of Honour Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone who will be giving a talk, and signing books, on the day.
Fighting Fantasy Fest 2 will also feature other talks, gaming sessions, comics, signings, a Fighting Fantasy exhibition, traders, a cosplay competition, and numerous other special guests.
Food and drink will be available on the day from an onsite cafe and bar.
Price of entry includes a collectable programme and autograph book.

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Feeling REALLY old.

This is an update to this post which is 12 years old! If you are not feeling old now (and are a