Doctor Who Volume 3 Cover Art Online


.Doctor Who Volume 3 cover art is revealed.

Featuring the ‘face’ of the Empty Child and the winged time scavengers from Fathers Day

Episodes in this volume are:
7. The Long Game: Adam discovers the wonders of travelling in the Tardis. In the far future, Satellite 5 broadcasts to the entire Earth Empire. But anyone promoted to Floor 500 is never seen again, and the Doctor suspects mankind is being manipulated. Does Adam have what it takes to become the Time Lord’s companion? Review

8. Father’s Day: Rose travels back to 1987, to witness the day her Father died. But when she interferes in the course of events, the monstrous Reapers are unleashed upon the world, and a wedding day turns into a massacre. Even the Doctor is powerless, as the Human Race is devoured. Review

9. The Empty Child: London, 1941, at the height of the Blitz. A mysterious cylinder is being guarded by the army, while homeless children, living on the bombsites, are being terrorised by an unearthly child. Review

10. The Doctor Dances: The Child’s plague is spreading throughout wartime London, and its zombie army is on the march. The Doctor and Rose form an alliance with the intergalactic con-man, Captain Jack, but find themselves trapped in the abandoned hospital. The answer lies at the bomb site, but time is running out… Review

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