Written by Andrew Smith
Published by Big Finish
Andrew Smith revisits his abandoned TV treatment for the Sixth Doctor and Peri, and in this latest Lost Story audio drama brings us the thrilling ‘genesis’ of the Sontarans.
The Doctor and Peri land in 18th century England, tracking alien technology they have discovered on the moon. Initially breaking up a cock fight, the duo are soon wrapped up in a fight of different kind, as a number of locals prove to be not who they seem, but rather aliens trapped in an ancient battle.
Big Finish have pleaded for this release not to be spoilered, which makes a review rather difficult. The title tells you that the Sontarans and their provenance feature heavily, and it perhaps would not be surprising to learn that their sworn enemy the Rutans also get a look in, though in an innovative form for those familiar with this race from the Horror of Fang Rock or the more recent BBC video game The Gunpowder Plot.
Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant are as excellent as ever – these two really don’t seem to put a foot wrong in their audio incarnations. They are also well supported here by Dan Starkey, who is carving a career as the definitive Sonataran, and Anthony Howell and Lizzie Roper as a highly believable married couple struggling to come to terms with a life changing decision.
The final episode features an excellently realised and epic space battle, that nonetheless needs concentration to keep track of who is fighting who, but ultimately this is a drama that will be long remembered for answering the question of where the Sontarans come from (the revelation is not dissimilar to that of at least one highly regarded and more recent SF TV series).
So, one for all fans of the show, and an absolute must buy for followers of the most warlike potato heads in the galaxy.