Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #2


Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #2
Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #2
Written by Scott and David Tipton

Art by Lee Sullivan

Published by IDW

February 2013 is Second Doctor month everywhere, and naturally IDW’s comic series is no different, giving us a fresh tale for Patrick Troughton’s near definitive Doctor, with companions Jamie and Zoe (other companions are available).

What hits the reader first is the colour. For an era defined by its black and white delights, this would be a revelation in any event, but the story places our travellers in a galactic shopping mall, with all manner of colourful aliens for guest artist Lee Sullivan to devise. There are plenty of fan pleasing cameos here, and from more than just the Second Doctor’s adventures.

The story revolves around a new race of galactic traders, who take a shine to Jamie as an item of historical value. The Doctor encourages Jamie’s abduction to help uncover and crush a galaxy-wide slave trade, with the help of a familiar alien race that are soon to return to our TV screens.

Jamie generally comes off better than Zoe in this issue, the latter given little to do beyond opening a door lock. But the Doctor’s dialogue is true to period, and his inquisitive delight carries the story along, though most readers will want to linger on each page of detailed art. Fezzes are clearly cool.

The only disappointment is the ending, which is rather too similar to that of the first issue, with the Doctor separated from his companions. This could get very wearing over eleven issues, so let’s hope a more original climax awaits the Third Doctor next month.

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