Doctor Who – The Movie History That Never Happened


In a sideways universe….

Looking at what things might have been should the Movie series of Doctor Who expanded beyone Daleks Invasion Of Earth.

In 1963 Peter Cushing started the Doctor Who Movie franchise with Doctor Who and The Daleks. Due William Hartnell looking to leave the role of Dr Who in 1966 it was decided to call the TV series a day. The power of the Daleks and the character / possibilities of the Doctor would not die ensured that the franchise would have a future, after 2 sucessful Dalek Movies Peter Cushing was offered a third movie but due to TV commitments (Sherlock Holmes) and other movie projects he was unable to commit to another feature.

The regeneration was born.

Due to the alien nature of the Doctor and the worlds he inhabits it was decided that recasting could be explained away as part of the character’s life cycle.

The Second (movie) Doctor

As the last Doctor Who series on TV involved Cybermen and the Daleks, though still popular had been done twice, it seemed logical that the third Doctor Who movie should feature this second Metal Menace.

Casting originally focused on the hugely talented and ever popular Christopher Lee. An obvious successor to Mr Lee. But for a number of reasons he was unable to commit at the time of filming. Due to a series of unforeseen events and fortune it came to pass that Vincent Price stepped into the role.

Reception of Vincent Price in the role of the Doctor in Tomb of the Cybermen (1968) was not the pan-atlantic success that had been hoped for. Despite critical aclaim for the regeneration scene passing the baton from Peter Cushing to Price, and the strong, scary cybermen a more ‘True British’  feel was desired.

Vincent Price In Tomb Of The Cybermen
Vincent Price In Tomb Of The Cybermen

Vincent followed Tomb for a second outing as The Doctor in The Web Of Fear (1970), after a luke warm reception all round it was decided that the Vincent should step down and pave the way for a more British, light hearted portrayal of The Doctor.

The Third

Comedic actor Peter Sellers  took on the role, now banished to earth by the Doctor’s own people The Timelords in Auton adventure Spearhead From Space (1972), introducing Autons, Unit and Time Lords in a single film was a task, but executed to high aclaim. 1974 Saw the reintroduction of The Daleks in Day Of The Daleks (1974) and the final adventure for the Third Doctor harked back to hammer films with The Daemons 1976

The Fourth

At thirty years old the youthful John Rhys Davies was initially criticised for his ‘Bluster and Beard’ attitude to the role. Carrying on the humour from the Sellers years, he brought new energy to the role, and would indeed become the longest serving Doctor with no less that 7 movies to his name over 12 years.  Davies’ first movie was in 1977 bringing back the daleks and introducing their creator, DAVROS, Genesis of the Daleks was a massive hit and brought the Doctor Who movies to new heights.

It was 1981 before the next Doctor Who movie was to see light of day despite his popularity John Rhys Davies was unable to reprise the role he made great as he was making Indiana Jones in Hollywood at the time.

The Fifth

So it was time for (controversially) another American Doctor. After seeing Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother as an audition piece producers looked to Gene Wilder to take on the next regeneration.

Castrovalva saw the new Doctor up against his most feared enemy, The Master. This time round the Master was played by Tim Curry.

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This is an update to this post which is 12 years old! If you are not feeling old now (and are a