Dead of Veridon by Tim Akers


Had a press release from those fantastic guys at Solaris Books:

Clockwork zombies, criminal families, fallen gods, an ancient horror thirsting for vengeance ? when trouble comes looking for Jacob Burn, it doesn?t do half measures.

Ah sounds fantastic, you had me on Clockwork Zombies though!

The failed zeppelin pilot and outcast may have saved the city of Veridon from destruction, but that doesn?t mean it?s grateful. Burn now finds himself on his own, on the wrong side of the law and on borrowed time as he is appointed to investigate the rise of the ?cog-dead.?

Zeppelin, Zombies, ‘cog-dead’ is this Zombie steampunk, a sub genre that should make it to cinema or there is no justice

Wrapped in a stunning cover from comic book legend Greg Staples, Tim Akers? fantastic hard-boiled Steampunk-Clockpunk story is a thrilling mix of rich characterisation and dramatic action set in a detailed and disturbing world that leaps off the page.

Clockpunk. Does adding the word PUNK to the end of a noun make it scifi-tastic. Might start my CatPunk book series with ‘Terminator Tiddles’ (if it has been done I WILL cry).

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