DARLING Psychological Horror from Mickey Keating


DARLING Psychological Horror from Mickey Keating
DARLING Psychological Horror from Mickey Keating
At SciFind we love those hidden gems, the low budget and the niche.

Usually it is the so bad it is good genre, but DARLING from Mickey Keating looks like it should be a powerful psychological horror. We have only see the trailer so far (below), but cannot wait to see the full product.

Having premiered at Fantastic Fest in September 2015, the film has continued to pick up considerable accolades, with many noting its loving homage to the films of Roman Polanski (notably ROSEMARY’S BABY, THE TENANT and REPULSION).

A lonely girl’s violent descent into madness.

Hired as the caretaker of a large mansion in New York, an unnamed young woman soon discovers its haunted reputation and troubled history. Bored and left to her own devised for extended periods of time, she slowly goes insane.

A chilling black-and-white horror playing homage to the classics, starring Lauren Ashley Carter, Sean Young and Larry Fessenden.

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