
Review By Sharon Smith, 5 out of 5

‘Absolutely brilliant’ sums up how I feel about this programme. Each storyline is well presented and it’s very easy to follow the evidence the CSI’s are working with. The personal story about Mac is being brought in slowly so as not to disrupted the main storyline. This is brilliantly being built up little by little with the inclusion of Stella.

Each episode has its own unique opening setting which can take you from one extreme to the other in the blink of an eye. The uses of gadgets are very strong throughout all of season 4 from the car that repairs itself to spray on condoms. The best episode for gadgets is ‘Down The Rabbit Hole’ where the CSI’s use a computer game and a virtual world to help solve a murder. This makes it appealing to everyone.

My personal favourite is ‘Boo’. This story has a very spooky storyline and is funny and sad all at the same time. It is brilliant and keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout.

In CSI NY no two episodes are a like. The way the episodes can make the victims turn in to murderers and the people who take things into their own hands to get the point across. I found the characters work well together and the sense of humour is spot on. Twist and turns, brilliant openings, good storyline, excellent endings are all there which make excellent viewing.


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