Clay County


Clay County Graphic Novel, Click Cover to buy.
Clay County

Written by Bruce Brown and Chip Cristell

Art by Adam Mrozowski

Published by Arcana Studios

This new graphic novel posits a world where aliens have led a successful invasion and occupation of Earth several years ago. A dwindling resistance lead the fight against the alien hordes, and their last best hope resides in Clay County. ?Sadly for the resistance, the locals of Clay County are more interested in where the next cold beer is coming from, than in defeating the alien oppressors.

What follows is a hilarious tale of redneck ingenuity and drunkenness versus alien technology, while the last remaining member of the resistance tries vainly to enforce a military approach to the mission. Imagine a crossover episode of My Name Is Earl with Falling Skies, and you?ll get something approaching the tone of this great tale from Bruce Brown and Chip Cristell.

The art is simply but effectively drawn by Adam Mrozowski, with enough details to carry the story, and add a few laughs in its own right. The short length of the book does mean the Clay County denizens struggle for much individual characterization – with the exception of the anti-hero Bake – but it is to the creators? credit that this tale doesn?t outstay its welcome, with a good ratio of gags per page. The gang?s makeshift trebuchet is a particular delight.

So if you?re looking for an alternative take on alien invasions, grab a cold Bud from the cool box and settle down to enjoy this tale.

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