Catch Up With Warlord Games’ Doctor Who Miniatures Game



We have just managed to catch up with our friends at Warlord Games about their Doctor Who Miniatures Game range, EXTERMINATE (Available from Element Games).

Their latest 2 boxes are looking really good, we have managed to snatch some fantastic images really showing off the potential of these miniatures that are aimed both at collectors and gamers.

We start with the Mire, which are available now, then push on to the Fires Of Pompeii set due August 2018.

The Mire

The Mire are a race under the leaddership of Odin in the Peter Capaldi episode of Doctor Who, The Girl Who Died.

The Warlord Games Mire Box contains 3 miniatures, 3 Mire (one without helmet) and Odin plus Exterminate Game Cards needed for use of the miniatures in the Exterminate Game.

Lead by Odin the Mire hunt down other warrior races, turning their strongest warriors into liquid, which they then drink as their ‘nectar’, feeding on their adrenaline and testosterone. In reality the Mire choose weak opponents deliberately so they can easily defeat them and thus cultivate their fearsome reputation.

The Mire Miniatures Images

Fires Of Pompeii

From Peter Capaldi’s first appearance in new Who, though he was not the title role for this one, Fires Of Pompeii saw David Tennant’s Doctor challenged by the Sibylline Sisterhood and the Pyrovile.

We are waiting on full details of these, but in the meantime check out these images of painted miniatures.

Fires Of Pompeii Images


You can find out more about these and all Warlord Game’s Doctor Who ranges on their Into The Time Vortex website.

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