We are living in ever changing times, sometimes you think things are finished, absolute and done with.
I Used To Boast…
- I have all 3 Star Wars Movies on VHS
- I have all 4 books of the Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy Trilogy
- I can remember the titles of all 6 series of Red Dwarf episodes in order.
- I can recite the order of all 9 planets.
- I can get Channel 5!
- I own all 4 series of Futurama on DVD.
- Tom Baker is the best Doctor Who
- Christopher Eccleston is the best Doctor Who
- David Tennant is the best Doctor Who
- Matt Smith is the best Doctor Who
- Peter Capaldi is the best Doctor Who
- THEY ARE ALL GREAT, all 12…. er 13 er what about Peter Cushing?