Angry Robot Books Accept UnAgented Submissions


March 2011 will see AngryRobot Books accepting submissions from unagented authors for the first time. The door is open from 1st March 2011 to 31st March 2011. Do not send submissions out of this window as they will not be read.

Should things work out they may repeat the process at a later date, so if you have a manuscript that is not ready do not panic.

Submission Guidelines: (from the Angry Robot Website)

We?re publishing novels, either standalone or as part of greater series. We?re not looking to publish your novellas, short stories (individually or collected in book form) or non-fiction at this time. Our novels are for adult readers; we?re not currently looking at work aimed at young teens or children.

All our books are ?genre? fiction in one way or another ? specifically fantasy, science fiction, horror, and that new catch-all urban or modern fantasy. Those are quite wide-ranging in themselves; we?re looking for all types of sub-genre, so for example, hard SF, space opera, cyberpunk, military SF, alternate future history, future crime, time travel, and more. We have no problem if your book mashes together two or more of these genres, but they must have that genre foundation ? no thrillers with the merest touch of SF, for example.

Full guidelines can be found here.

Check out the Angry Robot Website for full information and to see the style of book they publish

Good luck!

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