2001: A Space Odyssey – First illustrated edition from The Folio Society


image001Folio Society launched the first ever illustrated edition of the sci-fi classic, 2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke
With stunning illustrations by Joe Wilson, this edition also includes the foreword written jointly by Clarke and Kubrick, as well as Clarke’s ‘Back to 2001’ preface written in 1989. Michael Moorcock, a long-standing colleague of Clarke’s, has provided a new introduction revealing much of his friend’s personality, as well as casting a new light on the fractious relationship between Clarke and Kubrick.

Developed from Arthur C. Clarke’s short story ‘The Sentinel’ and brainstormed together with legendary film director Stanley Kubrick, 2001: A Space Odyssey has had an indelible impact on both cinema and genre literature. Written alongside the screenplay, the book stands on its own merits as a visionary work: a powerful exploration of space, artificial intelligence and the destiny of humanity.

2001: A Space Odyssey is also an exciting and entertaining read. It rattles along at a thrilling pace; Clarke moves us swiftly from the appearance of the first monolith on prehistoric earth to a chilling episode on board the Discovery, when a mission to Saturn is jeopardised by the increasing mental instability of the ship’s computer, HAL 9000. The final section of the book, in which the isolated David Bowman explores this ‘Grand Central Station of the Galaxy’, is a frightening, extraordinary and undoubtedly joyful trip to the very limits of human experience.

Clarke was a dedicated proponent of space exploration and the chairman of the British Interplanetary Society. His enthusiasm for the subject is evident in his detailed descriptions of space travel – even at the time of writing, such feats would have seemed quite extraordinary, yet Clarke writes withan optimism that makes that future feel inevitable.

This edition includes the foreword written jointly by Clarke and Kubrick, as well as Clarke’s ‘Back to 2001’ preface written in 1989. Michael Moorcock, a long-standing colleague of Clarke’s, has provided a new introduction revealing much of his friend’s personality, as well as casting a new light on the fractious relationship between Clarke and Kubrick. For this first illustrated edition, Joe Wilson has created seven colour illustrations that capture the book’s vision of 2001’s remarkable future.

Bound in paper, printed and blocked in holographic foil with a design by the artist. Set in Cartier Book with Universe display. 240 pages. 6 full-page colour illustrations plus a double page spread. Metallic slipcase. 9½“ x 6¼“

UK £29.95 US $49.94 Can $69.95 Aus $72.95



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