1970 set Stan Lee Action Flick Anyone?


Accordng to Hollywood reporter a movie based on Stan Lee is in development. But instead of a dry biopic, I looks like it will be an action adventure affair.

The project will be no biopic, but rather an adventure with Lee as the main character. Kingsman and Moore-era James Bond movies had dapper heroes who quipped one-liners — and, in Moore’s case, flirted with the ladies — as they sparred with larger-than-life evildoers.

Someone get Bryan Cranston’s agent in the phone.

Unfortunately this is a fake poster by http://entertainmeweakly.tumblr.com/
Unfortunately this is a fake poster by http://entertainmeweakly.tumblr.com/

The Bryan Cranston poster is a spoof, but read the original Hollywood article here

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Feeling REALLY old.

This is an update to this post which is 12 years old! If you are not feeling old now (and are a