It can be bought, it can be sold. One can kill it and one may lose it. It can be proceeded by a meal, a bed or a game. It can even fly, yet never move. It’s ll around and yet nowhere. It’s not changed since the beginning, but that is what a Cambridge team hopes is about to change because it’s time. For thousands of years, people have measured time in a confusing way where 5:00 can be am or pm. The Decimal Time Project would like to turn the clock in a decimalized fashion such as currency and they have launched an Indiegogo campaign to make the clock tick to decimal time.
With the new Decimal Time system, instead of 24 hours, everything is divided into tens. Each 10th of a day will be called a DER. A Der will equate to 2.4 hours. Each DER is to be divided into 10 DECs, meaning 1 DEC is 14.4 minutes. Each DEC is then divided into 100 points, and a point will be 8.46 seconds. The week will be scrapped and replaced with a group of 10 days, called a TEN and the month will be replaced with a CENT. A CENT will be a group of 10 TENs.
Angel investors helping fund the Decimal Time Project campaign to the next level will be eligible for perks such as thank yous, a spread sheet calendar, a wall planner, a diary, a chance to name day of the ten, or the chance to name one of four cents in the new year.
The Decimal Time Project team understands not everyone may be able to give money to help the Decimal Time Project campaign, so they ask that those who cannot give monetarily help by spreading the word about the Decimal Time Project project online through social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr or record a video challenge for Vine, Facebook or Instagram to invite friends to give to or share this IndieGoGo fundraiser. Include #DecimalTime in all posts.