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Bruce Willis

FBI agents (BRUCE WILLIS and RADHA MITCHELL) investigate the mysterious murder of a college student linked to the man who helped create a high-tech surrogate phenomenon that allows people to purchase unflawed robotic versions of themselves ? fit, good looking remotely controlled machines that ultimately assume their life roles ? enabling people to experience life vicariously from the comfort and safety of their own homes. The murder spawns a quest for answers: in a world of masks, who?s real and who can you trust?


We have 2 goodie bags to give away, including a Surrogates laptop bag, USB charger and jacket.
We are running this one a little differently – This will be a Twitter Comp.
To enter just tweet your answer to this question @scifind
What Frank Miller comic book movie did Bruce Willis appear in 2005?
Click Here for a quick entry and just add your answer. (you will need a free twitter account)
Winners will be chosen after the 5th October 2009. UK Only – no cash alternative and usual rules apply.

Competition Prizes are illustrated below.

Jacket Competition Prize
Laptop Protector Competition Prize
usb charger Prize
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