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Star Wars Episode 7 – A few thoughts.

So the Star Wars Sequel trilogy will now happen as announced by DISNEY who have just bought LucasFilm from George Lucas.

Kathleen Kennedy will serve as executive producer on new Star Wars feature films, with George Lucas serving as creative consultant. Star Wars Episode 7 is targeted for release in 2015, with more feature films expected to continue the Star Wars saga and grow the franchise well into the future.


This is a good thing. This means we will get more Star Wars films. If they are BAD, what the hey, fandom managed to move on from the prequels. I don’t really see any Original Trilogy merchandise burning ala Simon Pegg in Spaced.

What I think could have made this a better thing, is if Lucas retained the rights and leased them to small independent directors / production companies in order to seperate the series from being a device to sell action figures and video games.

Along with leased rights he could of invested £30million. A very modest budget but good enough to use up and comming actors, not weigh too heavy on special effects and most importantly innovation from film makers. Take the trilogy back to its roots.

We also expect Lucasfilm moving to Disney to add new life to the Indiana Jones series.

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