Velociraptor Egg Jurassic Park Prop Replica

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“Life finds a way.”

Jurassic Park can be described as one of the “greatest blockbusters of all time” with “lots of frightful moments and some good laughs”. Everyone always remembers the terrifying scene of the T. rex chasing the Jeep and the chills down the spine when the realization hits that “Clever Girl” is watching. There is so much action packed into two hours and seven minutes that it is easy to forget the cutest scene in the whole movie; the birth of the baby raptors.

During the initial explanation of the science behind the park, owner John Hammond walks the team through the laboratory to show off the incubator nests that have brought the dinosaurs in the park to life. While they examine the eggs within the incubators, one of them begins to tap, then crack. With minimal assistance from Mr. Hammond, a little baby Velociraptor emerges from the egg and opens its eyes for the first time.

Chronicle Collectibles’ Jurassic Park 1:1 Velociraptor Egg was molded from a Stan Winston casting, graciously loaned from Bobby DeLuca. We are so fortunate to have fans and collectors that are so willing to help us make these products as authentic as possible!