Swamp Thing DC Comics Maquette

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I am a ghost out of time. Condemned to a moment that is far beyond the world of clocks and calendars and the rhythms of nature…”
Sideshow is proud to present the Swamp Thing Maquette, which measures 24” tall on an environmental polyresin base. The base has a clear water feature as well as muddy rocks, trees, and various swamp fauna.
Swamp Thing’s body is covered in vines, roots, and tendrils, which give his, body a sense of movement. His anatomy balances humanoid musculature with the effect of living, growing vegetation, and he is painted in a variety of earthen tones. The tuberous growths on Swamp Thing’s back are a reference to the hallucinogenic sweet potatoes the character produces in the comics. His sturdy body is made with vinyl, with PVC elements to preserve and capture the immense detail in his layered form.
Swamp Thing can be a gentle soul or a terrifying sight to behold! Capture the essence of this elemental avatar and add the Swamp Thing Maquette to your collection today.