Malavestros Deaths Chronicler Fool Court of the Dead Premium Format(TM) Figure

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Sideshow is proud to introduce the Malavestros: Death’s Chronicler-Fool Premium Format  Figure from our original Court of the Dead collection. 
“Who would tell my story but a fool?”
– The Alltaker
Nothing is ever what it appears to be in the Underworld, and thus it would be wise not to dismiss Malavestros as a rare blip of comic relief in the Court of the Dead. Despite his grotesquely playful visage and unpredictable antics, Malavestros is an invaluable cache of truth. He may choose to dispense his wisdom wrapped in morbid humor and seasoned with acerbic pranks, but that does not lessen its veracity. His wealth of passion is matched only by his devotion to his fellow mourners; the monastery of Malavestros, called HushHyde, is home to the lost, unhinged and wayward refugees in the Land of the Dead. No Court of the Dead collection is complete without Death’s impish chronicler-fool.