Blood Ocean by Weston Ochse


Blood Ocean by Weston Ochse
In a world reduced to ruin by all-consuming plague, one young boy embarks on a mission of revenge after one of his friends is found dead ? harvested for his blood!

Kavika Kamalani is a Pali Boy on Nomi No Toshi, the floating city. The post-plague heir to an ancient Hawai?ian warrior tradition that believes in overcoming death by embracing one?s fears and living large, Kavika?s life is turned upside down when one of his friends dies ? and he sets out to find the killer.

When he is kidnapped and subjected to a terrifying transformation, Kavika must embrace the ultimate fear ? death itself. It is the only way if he, his loved ones, and the Pali Boys are to survive.

This stand-alone title is the latest pulse-pounding story of post-apocalyptic survival in The Afterblight Chronicles series from Weston Ochse ? a writer who pulls no punches.

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Feeling REALLY old.

This is an update to this post which is 12 years old! If you are not feeling old now (and are a